Category: Provocative Philo ..

  • Generative AI with Stable Diffusion and Comfy UI.

    Generative AI with Stable Diffusion and Comfy UI.

    Generative AI is really interesting and i started experimenting with Stable diffusion and its different models to create these videos. In the swirling nebula of the metaverse, generative AI acts as a celestial brush, painting landscapes unseen and crafting immersive experiences beyond imagination. From lush, alien jungles teeming with AI-born creatures to sprawling futuristic cities…

  • Unleash Your Dream Home: Design Expertise in Kathmandu”Eridium Studio”

    Unleash Your Dream Home: Design Expertise in Kathmandu”Eridium Studio”

    Eridium studio is a small architectural firm catering to individuals and companies seeking top-notch building and housing designs. Founded by Prabidhi Dixit, a “Masters in Architecture” graduate from Germany who returned to Nepal to establish this studio for the local community. At Eridium, individuals can materialize their dreams of residential homes, business complexes, and housing…

  • Himmlische Harmonie: Die einzigartige Flagge Nepals, Symbol eines nie bezwungenen Landes

    Himmlische Harmonie: Die einzigartige Flagge Nepals, Symbol eines nie bezwungenen Landes

    Hoch in den Wolken des Himalaya thront nicht nur das Land Nepal, sondern auch seine einzigartige Flagge, die wie ein Fenster zu seiner reichen Geschichte und Kultur fungiert. Im Gegensatz zu den Rechtecken, die die meisten Nationalflaggen zieren, bricht Nepals Banner mit zwei markanten Dreiecken aus dem Schema und erzählt so eine faszinierende Geschichte von…

  • The Paradox of Progress: Trash, Tourists, and the Evolving Nepali Himalayas

    The Paradox of Progress: Trash, Tourists, and the Evolving Nepali Himalayas

    The Himalayas, often called the “roof of the world,” evoke images of untouched beauty, snow-capped peaks piercing the azure sky, and valleys untouched by time. In Nepal, these mountains hold a sacred place, their grandeur deeply woven into the culture and spirit of the people. However, like a cherished masterpiece threatened by careless strokes, the…

  • Buddha and His Statue: Decoration or Religion?

    Buddha and His Statue: Decoration or Religion?

    In Germany, Buddha statues are often seen as decorative items, adorning homes and gardens as trendy accessories. But for Buddhists, Buddha is much more than just a piece of decor; he is a central figure of their religion. Buddha as a Fashion Cult? In major German cities, they are a common sight: Buddha statues in…

  • Deutschland am Scheideweg: Diversität als Zukunftskraft, Fremdenfeindlichkeit als Sackgasse

    Deutschland am Scheideweg: Diversität als Zukunftskraft, Fremdenfeindlichkeit als Sackgasse

    Ihre Haltungen gegenüber “den Anderen” – Menschen mit ausländischen Wurzeln – sind nicht nur moralisch fragwürdig, sondern gefährden auch den zukünftigen Wohlstand und Zusammenhalt des Landes. Zunächst sollte die demografische Realität Deutschlands betrachtet werden. Die Geburtenrate sinkt seit Jahren, die Gesellschaft altert. Um langfristig wirtschaftlich und sozial funktionsfähig zu bleiben, benötigt Deutschland Zuwanderung. Diese Menschen…

  • Algorithmocracy Book Review

    Algorithmocracy Book Review

    what is the author’s background and expertise in the topics covered in the book? Bimal Pratap Shah, the author of “Algorithmocracy,” is a multidisciplinary thinker with a background in political science, economics, and technology. His expertise in the topics covered in the book is evident from his in-depth analysis of various subjects, including the governance…

  • Removing the Hate Center, not the Haters

    Removing the Hate Center, not the Haters

    Removing the Hate Center, not the Haters Hate is a strong emotion that can be hard to control. It’s a negative feeling that can drain your energy, and it can even cause physical and emotional harm. But what if we told you that the source of all that hate doesn’t come from others? What if…

  • Meditation; How to make it effective.

    Meditation; How to make it effective.

    Meditation helps you become calmer. If you practice it daily then you would slowly see its results.

  • Mad Situation in Foreign Office in Munich. !!  Auslanderbehorde, KVR

    Mad Situation in Foreign Office in Munich. !! Auslanderbehorde, KVR

    Here is the link from the official journalist page. I just translated in English. The situation was extremely chaotic i never wish to go back to KVR again from that day. I hope the city of Munich realizes the situation and tries to solve the problem. Below is the post from in English.…

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